Are Older People Smarter?
Several years ago I went hunting with a family friend. We were talking around the campfire and a discussion came up about our opinions on something. In the group there where 4 people my age ( 20 something) and two others- my dad and his friend. As the discussion got lively my dad’s friend commented,
“You know older people aren’t especially smarter than younger people, we just been there more times!”
Since then, it has stuck with me. I took comfort in that, like in baseball, if I missed a ball, I would tell myself ‘I just needed more practice’.
Now as I am older, I have to reason with myself when a younger guy gives me a good idea. What mistake did I make that if I could turn back time, would I do differently?
We forget that the younger generation is still smart and that their ideas are valuable. Don’t discount them just because you screwed up. Don’t say no because it didn’t work for you.
Be wise and assess why you think differently and express that but don’t choke off their oxygen. Give your self space to see a new idea.