It’s Hard to Keep Up with Millennials!

Gary Vaynerchuk  (@garyvee) says when we were kids, advertising was pretty much all TV and radio. Companies would run an ad and run it several times a day for several weeks and then slowly taper it off. But now 50% of those eyeballs are on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, etc, but nobody is running several ads a day like they used to.

Why? Because we are scared. Scared that our friends might think we are too pushy.

However, there has never been a better time to expose your small business. Companies that are taking advantage of this opportunity are seeing results! My son, Connor, is a case in point. He joined my mortgage company 6 months ago and started using social media to educate his friends on how to buy a house.

And this month, he passed me in volume.

I got to get him back!!!

So please like my new Facebook page! I do daily inspirational videos on my morning walks, as well as delve into more specifics on how to apply those messages to your business as well. Please “Like” my page below:

I also post some of the videos on Instagram:

If you watch one and you like please SHARE it. This gets me in front of new people!!! I want to share my message with everyone I can because I want to help people! In addition to sharing my videos, I encourage you to comment questions, add-on’s, or anything you want to share with me.

Thank you all so much for your continuous support and positive feedback on my videos! It keeps my fire burning!

More Beech Thoughts

The Wireless Way Podcast with Chris Whitaker: Featuring Steve Beecham

New Year, New attitude, three gold nuggets and why your journey matters, a conversation with Steve Beecham-CEO, Author, Speaker and Coach.


What BUZZ Do You Bring To Work?

Do you bring your pet to work? You should! My dog Red has been hanging around my office for years.


Steve’s Third Book, "The Tapes We Play in Our Head" Available NOW!

Every day, thousands of thoughts are running through your head. What you may not realize is how those thoughts can shape your entire life—from how you view yourself, to how you interact with others, and even to how successful you are!

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